Saturday, March 22, 2008

Setting Goals

The beginning of 2008 has been a personal chart-topper having won a hot box pizza photo challenge (Big Ten Combos all around!) that caught my interest because I have a camera and I eat pizza… and I love it. Photos from the Famous Friends New Year’s party were featured in New York Magazine which taught me the importance of tagging with speed and accuracy and that everybody, no matter age or expertise, <3’sflickr. On a side note, I’m in the process of upgrading to a pro account after a practical suggestion from my friend, Mindy over a game (final score: 108-63) of bowling. Guess who won… here’s a hint: Mindy. Finally, the Feb. issue of SPIN Magazine featured this shot of Dillinger Escape Plan I snapped at their December show in Bloomington, IN. This is good for many reasons. The most important is that about a year ago, I made SPIN my goal. Having done that, there is a need to set new objectives. I’ll be safe and say that I will keep shooting and experimenting more and more and more, while keeping my mind open to more specific targets in the future. Although, controlled lighting/settings and creative collaborations have been surfing my brain waves as of late.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Year, New York

Silent Barn, Holy Shite!” makes sense if you sing it like a Christmas Carol and if you were at 915 Wyckoff in Ridgewood, NY on New Year’s Eve. Only all was neither calm nor bright, except for the flash bulbs popping in the faces of the sweaty, horny all-agers celebrating ‘08 on a dance floor (that was more a body heat-powered sauna) with uncalculated dance steps/booty shakes and indiscriminate make out sessions. The Famous Friends event was an occasion not to be missed but in case you did, you can still have a visual experience.

Bradly D ended the year with smokin’ DJ set just in time to start off 2008 with super sexy artists Neon Coyote, Lismore, Todosantos, Ninjasonik that have been getting more blogverse buzz than a bee hive made of wasp nests.